The Kingdom:part 1

Hey people πŸ’ƒ,

   I know I just started and I’ve been away for too long, I’m sorry, I had tests πŸ˜”.

  I know I said I was gonna write about myself in my next post (this one) but I asked myself “who am I?” Some serious debate was going on in my head. Therefore, I’ll be talking about something else, something different, something really important that I learnt recently, The KingdomπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

   My English teacher taught me to let them know what exactly I’m talking about before I tell them about it which brings the big question ‘What is the Kingdom?’ 

You all might have different definitions for what the kingdom is, some might not know what the kingdom is, what I think and know the kingdom to be is where God is,it is the reign of God not the realm of God  what everyone refers to as heaven πŸ‘†πŸΎit’s a different world entirely , it has the features a normal kingdom would have, just in a whole new way and direction. 

  • For example, every kingdom has a king? Who is the king of the kingdom? GOD  
  • Kingdoms need security, who are the cops of the kingdom? Angels πŸ˜‡
  • Like a country, state, a kingdom has citizens and non citizens, like any other nation, non citizens are entitled to some little benefits but without an official citizenship, there’s basically nothing he can do, nowhere he can go. 

Who are the citizens of the kingdom? 

A Christian is different from a Christian. If you’re not saved, you can’t get into the kingdom, a non-born again cannot enjoy the benefits of the kingdom, if he knows about the kingdom but his eyes are not open to what he must do he can experience the kingdom but cannot see it πŸ™…πŸ».

Here’s another bummer πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ 

Religion will not let you get into the kingdom πŸ™…πŸ»πŸ™†πŸΏ

Now,this is where people get it all wrong, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying being a Christian or being born again is the wrong way.Some of us just do it the wrong way, If you still model your lives after the laws of the prophets before the arrival of Jesus, if you still try you possible best to keep up with the absurd religious practices before Jesus arrived , you’re not getting into the kingdom πŸ˜”  
 Now…. What would YOU say the kingdom is?

  • Is it something in your heart?
  • A figure of speech that people use?
  • A government is heaven? 

I think this is supposed to be an interactive something πŸ˜‹ tell me what you think and add or subtract, argue….send an email for bible passages concerning this or your questions  to . Have a wonderful weekend everyone 😘 

             Sziaztok ✌🏻️

             Yours truly,


My God & I: The Holy Spirit.

Hi hi hi! October is coming to and end, like play like play 2015 will soon be over! Thank God! I’m looking forward to the new year because, new year new meΒ hahaΒ jokes.

Today I want to talk about reading books, especially Christian books and how it has affected my walk with God positively.

I remember after I rededicated my life to God, I attended believer’s class in COZAand was given a book (more like a believer’s manual) and I read where Pastor Biodun talked about reading this book Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinnwhen he gave his life to Christ and it helped him with his Christian walk so I went out to buy the book.

This wasn’t the first Christian book I read, I had readA Woman After God’s Heart by Elizabeth George when I first became born again so I…

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Newbie in the house πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

I really never thought blogging was my thing, I just thought blogging was for really deep people. Recently, I was thinking and I just told my bestfriend ‘I think I’m going to forget how to write soon or just become less smart’ and he told me to write a book or keep a diary πŸ˜‚ But knowing the kind of person I am, I’m not consistent in keeping diaries, to be honest, I’ve never actually kept one πŸ™ˆ Also, I don’t know that I’d write about if I was to write a book . So, I was doing a little internet surfing and I just decided to look up my cousin’s website and blog (you should check ’em out she’s an awesome blogger πŸ˜‹) ..moving on, going through her blog, I just thought ‘hey, how about you get yourself a blog, it’d be fun 😊’

Spoiler alert : I really don’t know what my blog is going to be about or how this blogging thing works but I really hope it works out πŸ˜”